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Basic course European Patent Rights and Patent Practice - 1st year

     ie-net leden en bedrijfspartners: € 2.121 ipv € 3.030


The Expert Group Intellectual Property of ie-net starts again its two-year course in European Patent Law and Patent Practice. The course starts in January and ends in December of the same year. 
This way our course fits with other, more specific, courses on European or national patent law preparing for a qualification. We focus on gaining insight into European patent law, illustrated by real life examples from the daily practice of our tutors. Participants can hence apply the acquired knowledge more quickly in their daily work.
This approach is in line with the new EQE concept.

In the first year (2025), after introducing the world of intellectual property law, we focus on how to obtain patentable claims, supported by description and figures. These claims should provide the desired legal protection, but which can still be challenged before the European Patent Office.
In the second year (2026) the emphasis will be on procedural patent law to obtain a granted patent via EPC or via the PCT route. The different stakeholders and their role in this process are outlined. The legal value of the thus granted patent is discussed.

The years 1 and 2 of the "Basic Course European Patent Rights and Patent Practice" are independent of each other. One can choose to obtain a good understanding of what it takes to claim an invention (1st year) and/or of the procedure leading to a granted patent (2nd year). There is no need for participants to have taken the first part of the course before participating in the second one.
An introduction course for those participants can be foreseen.

Target group
The Basic Course targets everyone who is involved in intellectual property and wanting to obtain a deep understanding of patent law and its practical implementation.
E.g. researchers, R&D managers, IP managers, for example as a patent advisor, patent manager or patent attorney in training.

The course is offered in a hybrid format.
On the registration form you can choose to preferably attend live, or to follow the course online.

Dates (provisional schedule)

January - June
09-01: Introduction to Intellectual Property Law - Tinneke Jacobs / Kris Hertoghe
23-01: Patentability part 1 (patentability conditions and exceptions) - Annemie Jaeken / Kristel Van den Broeck
30-01: Patentability part 2 (prior art, priority) - Annemie Jaeken / Kristel Van den Broeck
13-03: Patentability part 4 (exception to patentability: biotech) - Andrej Michalik
27-03: Novelty part 1 (invention / claim / novelty) - Davy Wauters / Kris Hertoghe
03-04: Novelty part 2 (invention / claim / novelty) - Davy Wauters / Kris Hertoghe
24-04: Novelty part 3 (ranges, introduction exercises) - Christophe Ego
08-05: Novelty exercises Chemistry - David Lesthaeghe / Kris Pappaert
22-05: Novelty exercises Electromechanics (EM) - Davy Wauters / Kris Hertoghe
05-06: Inventive step part 1 (inventive step, problem solution approach) - Bart van den Hazel
12-06: Inventive step part 2 (skilled person, partial problem, related technical fields) - Johan Brants
26-06: Patentability part 3 (exception to patentability: software CII / AII) - Jeroen Declerck

September - December
04-09: Inventive step (exercises EM) - TBC
18-09: Inventive step (exercises Chemistry) - Christophe Ego
02-10: Claims - Redactional requirements of a patent application part 1 - Annemie Jaeken / Kristel Van den Broeck
16-10: Claims - Redactional requirements of a patent application part 2 - Annemie Jaeken / Kristel Van den Broeck
13-11: Claims (amendments and corrections) - Bart van den Hazel
20-11: Claims (rights conferred by the claims) - Lieven Van hunsel
11-12: Claims (opposition, limitation, revocation) - Kristel Van den Broeck


Johan Brants, brantsandpatents
Jeroen Declerck, IP Hills
Christophe Ego, Winger
Kris Hertoghe, Winger
Tinneke JacobsBureau M.F.J. Bockstael
Annemie Jaeken, V.O. Patents & Trademarks
David Lesthaeghe, De Clercq & Partners
Andrej MichalikDe Clercq & Partners
Kris PappaertDe Clercq & Partners
Kristel Van den Broeck, V.O. Patents & Trademarks
Bart Van den Hazel, CoBrA-IP
Lieven Van hunsel, Bureau M.F.J. Bockstael
Davy Wauters, Winger


scientific coordinator: André Clerix, director IP - IMEC

Time schedule
Thursday afternoon from 17:00h until 20:30h
Registration starting 16:30h
Sandwich meal around 18:30h

Additional information
Course language and course material will be in English.

Contact & info

Dirk De Wilde
ie-net ingenieursvereniging vzw
09/01/2025 Van: 17u00
11/12/2025 Tot: 20u30
HYBRIDE INGENIEURSHUIS Live - Desguinlei 214 Online - zie instructies
€ 3.030 for non-members
€ 2.121 for individual ie-net members (invoice will be sent to your private address)
€ 2.121 for corporate members of ie-net
€ 1.515 for individual ie-net members < 30j & > 65j
(invoice will be sent to your private address)
All amounts are free of VAT

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Number of training hours: 57